Cornell Feeders Live Updates

  • A gray-headed chachalaca (gray-brown medium-sized bird) is standing on a feeding table that has a couple green and yellow oranges. The backdrop is lots of green vegetation, as in big tropical leaves. In the top right corner is a nectar feeder (red with yellow flowers). There is a yellow crown overlayed on the bird's head.
    April 7, 2021Tag Data And Register For Upcoming Webinar

    As of yesterday, the Bird Cams Lab community has grown to over 7,900 people. Welcome newcomers! We are thrilled to have you join our community of co-creators.

    Right now there are two investigations underway with two different cams, (1) Battling Birds…

  • A screenshot of the Cornell FeederWatch cam page with the live stream view, buttons with birds to the right of it, names of the birds and the time they visited in the
    March 23, 2021Welcome to Data Collection for Cornell Feeders Live!

    See the most recent project updates.

    Cornell Feeders Live is a investigation co-created by scientists and Cornell FeederWatch cam viewers. The community spent several weeks watching the feeder, coming up with questions, refining and revising those questions, and then deciding what…

  • March 19, 2021Votes Are In and Data Collection Starts Soon

    In the past month, Bird Cams Lab participants shared what they want to learn more about and discussed questions we could potentially investigate with the Cornell FeederWatch cam. In the most recent set of discussions on the Question Design Board,…

  • A red-bellied woodpecker perches on a suet feeder in the middle, which is surrounded by hanging feeder and is above a platform feeder filled with seed. The red-bellied woodpecker has a red head, black-and-white striped wings, and a white face and belly. The background is a snow-covered landscape and bare vegetation.
    March 11, 2021It’s Time To Vote!

    Over the past two weeks, the Bird Cams Lab community has worked together to share and discuss ideas on the Wonder Board and Question Design Board. The community is full of curiosity and has proposed many interesting questions. Given that…

  • A screenshot of the Cornell FeederWatch cam. A platform feeder is filled with seed and there are four hanging feeders and a snowman shaped feeder. There are multiple bird species on the feeders, including a white-breasted nuthatch and pine siskins on the platform feeder. A downy woodpecker can also be seed perched on a feeder.
    March 1, 2021Cornell Feeders Live Question Design

    See the most recent project updates.

    The observations and the discussion on the Wonder Board generated a variety of questions, and we’ve summarized the questions with the most upvotes into five groups to focus the conversation on honing the most interesting…

  • white background with the cornell lab logo and the title of the webinar. At the bottom is a disclaimer.
    February 25, 2021Live From Bird Cams Lab: Birds, Feeders, And Science

    On February 23, 244 people tuned in to learn more about the newest Bird Cams Lab investigation, Cornell Feeders Live, and the cam it’s based on, the Cornell FeederWatch cam. Bird Cams staff highlighted discussions on the Wonder Board and…

  • Snowy hanging feeder and platform feeder with a frozen pond in the background. An American Goldfinch and a Red-bellied Woodpecker are in view.
    February 22, 2021Birds, Feeders, and Science Oh My! What Can We Discover Together?

    Tune in to learn more about the birds on the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s FeederWatch cam and Cornell Feeders Live, Bird Cams Lab’s newest scientific investigation that is already underway! Right now, the Bird Cams Lab community is in the…

  • Several species, including woodpeckers and sparrows on the Cornell FeederWAtch cam. There is snow on the feeders and in the background. Also a red-breasted nuthatch on the far right feeder.
    February 15, 2021Watch and Wonder On the Cornell Feeders Live Wonder Board

    Whether you are a long-time viewer or have never watched the cam, we invite you to be a part of the discussion. As you watch birds fly in and out of view on the cam, does anything pique your interest?…

  • A screenshot of the data collection tool used, showing the cam and the buttons
    February 12, 2021The Data Tool: Live Tagging

    For the Cornell Feeders Live investigation, we’ll be using a recently developed live data tagging tool. We first used this tool for Panama Live. In that investigation we documented the arrival patterns of six species on the Panama Fruit Feeder…

  • A male pileated woodpecker is in the middle on a suet feeder and a male northern cardinal is perch below and to its left looking up. There is a feeder table with seeds below the pilated woodpecker, a feeder tue to its left, and other animal critter feeders hung around the edges of the screenshot.
    February 9, 2021A New Investigation!

    Join us to watch the Cornell FeederWatch cam, located just outside the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and learn more about the birds that visit the feeders.

    For this investigation, we’ll work together to identify what question we want to answer and…

  • November 6, 2019What Can We Investigate With the Live Data Tagging Tool?

    We’re excited to introduce a new Live Data Tagging tool that we’ll use to collect data for a new Bird Cams Lab investigation on the Panama Fruit Feeder cam. Never before have we been able to tag data right as…

  • May 18, 2018How to Choose or Refine a Good Cam-Testable Question

    So you’ve identified some questions that you think could be answered with cam footage. How do you decide which ones make the best questions for an investigation?

    Would investigating the question yield new insights about birds? How excited are you…