Tag Data And Register For Upcoming Webinar

As of yesterday, the Bird Cams Lab community has grown to over 7,900 people. Welcome newcomers! We are thrilled to have you join our community of co-creators.

Right now there are two investigations underway with two different cams, (1) Battling Birds with the Panama Fruit Feeder cam and (2) Cornell Feeders Live with the Cornell FeederWatch cam. We invite you to be a part of either or both–no prior experience or knowledge is necessary to participate. All you need is curiosity!

Cornell Feeders Live: Data Collection Is Underway

We launched the data collection phase last week and so far 341 people have made more than 62,000 observations. That’s incredible! To see when people were watching and tagging data on the Cornell FeederWatch cam, we created a visual for the first five days of data collection. The fewest number of participants were watching before sunrise (just before 7:00 A.M. ET) and after sunset (around 7:30 P.M. EST), but there are multiple people watching during daylight hours. The more people that are watching, the more confident we can be in the data that is coming in.

Cornell Feeders Live Number of People Tagging Data

We invite you to not only tag data, but also share your observations, ask questions, and comment alongside other participants on the Discussion Board. Have questions about the project? We’ve also developed a resource devoted to Frequently Asked Questions to help you navigate data collection.

Keep up the great work everyone! If you haven’t already, we invite you to join in the fun. We’ll be tagging data on the Cornell FeederWatch cam through April 14, for a total of two weeks’ worth of data to start to understand how the eight study species visit the feeding station. Tag data today. 

Battling Birds: Upcoming Live Webinar

A gray-headed chachalaca (gray-brown medium-sized bird) is standing on a feeding table that has a couple green and yellow oranges. The backdrop is lots of green vegetation, as in big tropical leaves. In the top right corner is a nectar feeder (red with yellow flowers). There is a yellow crown overlayed on the bird's head.
The Gray-headed Chachalaca is at the top of the dominance hierarchy.

The results are in! Cornell Lab researcher Dr. Eliot Miller has pieced together the social relationships between bird species on the Panama Fruit Feeder cam in a “dominance hierarchy.”

Join us for a live conversation about what we found out about these tropical bird species on Thursday, April 15 @ 3:00 P.M. ET. Listen in to learn more about the birds that visit the Panama Fruit Feeders and connect with Dr. Eliot Miller, Bird Cams staff, and your fellow Bird Cams Lab mates.

Everyone is welcome, regardless of previous participation in the investigation. Even if you can’t attend the live event, sign up to make sure you receive a link to the archived recording. Register for the webinar.