Code and Data

The Bird Cams Lab team has made relevant data, tools, and processes accessible to participants and the public.


The data visualization and live annotation tools on the Bird Cams Lab and Bird Cams websites were created with open-source code and are publicly available on BitBucket:

Interactive Visualization tool

A customized WordPress plugin that displays charts and graphs.


A bar chart showing the percent chance of a prey delivery across the hours of a day. The highest percent chance is about 75% in hour 7 and 8.

Live Data Tagging tool

A customized WordPress plugin that allows viewers to record events seen on video using custom buttons.

A screenshot of the Cornell FeederWatch cam page with the live stream view, buttons with birds to the right of it, names of the birds and the time they visited in the "Session Reported" section below.

The Bird Cams Lab team has also made the code written for processes used during investigations publicly available on Bitbucket. Processes include (1) transforming long video recordings into shorter clips for uploading into Zooniverse, (2) exporting and working with data annotated from video clips by participants on Zooniverse, and (3) cleaning and analyzing data collected in real time.

Observational and Video Data

The data gathered by participants from archived and live Bird Cam footage is freely accessible to participants and the general public. For each investigation, data that was used to create interactive visualizations is available for download below each visualization. Visualizations can be accessed online in the “Data Exploration” section for each investigation under Investigation Archive (for example: Cornell Feeders Live Data Exploration).

The raw data files of participants’ observations can be accessed via Cornell University eCommons Data repository (doi: 10.7298/fxqt-zw38).

The video clips from which participants collected data on Zooniverse for the Battling Birds, Hawk Talk, and Battling Birds: Panama investigations are also available in the eCommons Data repository (doi: /10.7298/f18v-s618).

If you have any questions about the code or the data, please contact