What Can We Investigate With the Live Data Tagging Tool?
November 6, 2019We’re excited to introduce a new Live Data Tagging tool that we’ll use to collect data for a new Bird Cams Lab investigation on the Panama Fruit Feeder cam. Never before have we been able to tag data right as the action is happening!
When brainstorming questions in the “Wonder” Board, let your curiosity run wild and post whatever questions that pop into your head. As the community starts to narrow down and evaluate which questions we could realistically investigate based on what’s observable on the Panama Fruit Feeder cam, refer to this post that helps explore what might or might not be “cam-testable.”
Keep in mind that collecting data in a live environment can be challenging! Things can happen very quickly at the feeder, and we will not have the ability to rewind and watch something again.
The data that we collect needs to be relatively simple, easy, and able to be captured with the click of a button. Early user testing suggests that anything that takes more than a click can distract from what’s happening on cam, and make it difficult to make sure that important moments aren’t missed.
Do a test run! Collect data related to two sample topics that have garnered interest from cam viewers in the past: (1) how often do certain birds come to the feeder, and (2) how much aggression is there between birds. See what you think about tagging data for these questions in this practice session to get a better sense of what types of questions might work best for an investigation that’s using a tool like this.
Click here to try it out today! When you pull up the page, you’ll need to “Log In” with your Cornell Lab Account or create a new account.