Recent Updates

  • A visual ranking of the questions from those most interesting to participants in the Sorting Activity to those least interesting. The most interesting question is What types of prey are brought to the nest and do the adults bring different types?
    April 20, 2020Hawk Happenings Question Design

    See the most recent project updates.

    We’re almost ready to start a new investigation! In the recent Sorting Activity, more than 90 people looked at 12 questions from the Wonder Board and sorted them into those that could or couldn’t be…

  • Photo of Kaliopi and Helen, the two participants featured in the blog post..
    October 22, 2020Get To Know Your Bird Cams Lab Mates

    #bp-article-content, #bp-article-content p { max-width:885px; }

    Since we started Bird Cams Lab back in 2018, we’ve grown to over 4,000 members! We’re thrilled the community has blossomed and that there are so many people passionate not only about the Bird Cams…

  • June 28, 2018Get Ready to Vote! Here’s a Rundown of the Seven Questions

    It’s finally time to vote on the question that you think will make for the best, most interesting investigation. A big shout-out to everyone who shared their thoughts and participated in discussions on the Question Design board. Your input was…

  • A bar chart that shows the the days with most hours watched is after June 4th.
    October 2, 2020Explore the Hawk Happenings Data

    The time has come! Join us in the next phase of Hawk Happenings: data exploration. We’ve completed the first three phases (observe, question, and collect data), and it’s now time to look at data visualizations. Regardless of your involvement with…

  • A screenshot of the Cornell FeederWatch cam page with the live stream view, buttons with birds to the right of it, names of the birds and the time they visited in the
    August 24, 2021Engaging the Public in Collecting Data from Live and Recorded Wildlife Cams: Tips for Project Managers

    During 2018–21, Bird Cams Lab enabled scientists and participants to make discoveries about birds using live streaming wildlife cams. In three investigations (Battling Birds, Hawk Talk, and Battling Birds: Panama Edition), participants collected data from archived video footage. In three…

  • August 26, 2019Does Conflict Increase With More Species on the Feeder?

    Let’s dig into the data you collected to see what we can find out!

    Today we’re featuring a visualization that looks at the relationship between conflict and the number of species present at the feeders. We are measuring conflict by looking…

  • September 23, 2019Does Bad Weather Increase Conflict?

    If you helped us collected data on Zooniverse, you may have wondered, “Why are we answering a question about weather?” That’s a great question and this week we’ll explore some of the data that will help explain why we did…

  • The three Red-tailed Hawk nestlings standing up in the nest and preening.
    October 16, 2020Discuss New Findings At Live Webinar

    We had over 140 people weigh in to let us know when the best date and time would be to meet for our upcoming live event: Hawk Happenings: A Look Into The Cornell Hawks’ Nest. Based on the responses, we’ll…

  • March 23, 2021Dig Into The Data From Battling Birds: Panama

    Thanks again to everyone who collected data for Battling Birds: Panama Edition. Since the end of data collection in February, we’ve been working with volunteer programmer Peter Mason to extract the data from Zooniverse and analyze what your observations mean….

  • March 22, 2021Deciphering the Battling Birds: Panama Data

    The Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Panama Fruit Feeder cam gives us a window into the tropical forests of Panama and the birds that reside there. While many of the species seen on the cam are well known (and colorful), there…

  • Pictures of the video clips in the top of the screenshot and then a bar with red-orange coloring showing we are 31% done. The number of volunteers and the number of classifications is also shown.
    February 5, 2021Data Collection Takes Off!

    Last week marked the beginning data collection for Battling Birds: Panama Edition on Zooniverse, and we’re thrilled by the turnout so far. On Thursday, 446 people tuned in for a live conversation about the project with Bird Cams Lab staff…

  • Size Collared Aracaris eating rice and fruit on the Panama Fruit Feeder cam.
    February 22, 2021Data Collection Is A Wrap For Battling Birds: Panama Edition!

    We’re super excited to announce that Battling Birds: Panama Edition finished collecting data last week. We were completely taken by surprise because we had estimated that data collection would finish this week.

    The early completion of data collection was made possible…