Welcome to Panama Live Data Collection

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Join in the next phase of the first-ever Panama Fruit Feeder investigation: data collection

The community has spent several weeks watching the feeder, coming up with questions, refining and revising the questions, and then making decisions about data collection. With the questions in hand and the data tagging tool ready to go, we can start collecting data. 

Let’s review the questions that we are seeking to answer: 

  1. When do focal species arrive at the feeder?
  2. How does this vary from day to day?
  3. Does the timing of food affect when birds arrive? 

Jump into data collection! We have just two weeks to collect these data for this first round of the investigation. 

If you don’t already have an account with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, you will need to create an account before starting data collection. 

Create an account here. 

Once you have an account, you can start collecting data right away! Make sure to read the tutorial on the data collection page.

Want to share what you see while watching the cam or collecting data? 

Head over to the Discussion board.