Hawk Happenings Question Design

This section is currently inactive. We’ve finished refining questions.

See the most recent project updates.

Which Question to Investigate?

We’re almost ready to start a new investigation! In the recent Sorting Activity, more than 90 people looked at 12 questions from the Wonder Board and sorted them into those that could or couldn’t be answered using the cams. Then they ranked them according to their own interest. Here are the preliminary results showing which questions have generated the most interest so far:

A visual ranking of the questions from those most interesting to participants in the Sorting Activity to those least interesting. The most interesting question is What types of prey are brought to the nest and do the adults bring different types?

If you haven’t yet tried the sorting activity or would like to rank the questions according to your interests, you can still do so!
Sort and rank questions (opens new window).

Before deciding which question to investigate, we need to work together to consider four key criteria: 

  1. Interesting (to you, other participants, and scientists)?
  2. Measurable? 
  3. Specific?
  4. Feasible?

Want to learn more? Check out the forum below where you can read about each question, and share your thoughts!