See and Explore the Data!
August 26, 2019
The first phase of data collection for Battling Birds is complete thanks to the amazing effort of more than 2,000 contributors who classified over 10,000 clips on Zooniverse! Our web developers have been busy translating your data into interactive charts and we are excited to share them with you.
It’s now time for the community to explore the data with these interactive charts on the Bird Cams Lab website. Over the following weeks, we will use the data collected to feature a new theme each week, enabling the community to see and explore results, ask questions, and share what you see. Through the discussion on the website and in an upcoming live Q&A session, we will discover the most interesting and important findings to then publish together in a public post.
Want to get started? Read the first weekly blog post and check out the data collected by the community: click here.