Cornell Feeders Live Report Wraps Up Bird Cams Lab

July 30, 2021

Thanks to the thoughtful feedback of 15 reviewers, we are now in the last phase of the Cornell Feeders Live investigation: sharing findings. We invite you to read the report and share it with your family and friends. In the report, we document all the work we accomplished together as a community, and what the data revealed about birds visiting the Cornell FeederWatch cam. Check out the Final Report.

Four birds visit the feeding station seen on the Cornell FeederWatch cam. There is a feeding tray filled with seeds. There is a suet feeder in the middle above the tray, and on the left and right are two hanging feeders (four total). The backdrop is leafy green vegetation.Three study species (Blue Jay, Northern Cardinal, Red-winged Blackbird) and a European Starling forage at the feeding station seen on the Cornell FeederWatch cam.

The Cornell Feeders Live report wraps up a series of six investigations that we completed over the past three years. Together, we amassed more than 500,000 observations and revealed new insights about the birds on three Bird Cams: Panama Fruit Feeder, Red-tailed Hawk, and Cornell FeederWatch. 

Three screenshots of the cams studied, each cropped to be a circle. The left-most photo shows two Rufous Motmots (orange, green, blue birds) perched on a feeding table. The middle is an adult Red-tailed Hawk and three fluffy nestlings (white) on a nest. The right-most circle is a male pileated woodpecker (red,white,black bird) and a male Northern cardinal (red bird) feeding on a feeding station against a bare vegetation and gray-blue water.The three cams involved in Bird Cams Lab investigations, from left to right: Panama Fruit Feeder, Red-tailed Hawk, Cornell FeederWatch.

As our grant from the National Science Foundation comes to an end, our evaluators at Rockman et al. are summarizing what we learned from participant experiences. Thank you so much to everyone who filled out surveys or participated in interviews for that effort! Our project team is also busy summarizing the impact of our work together and how what we’ve learned can help advance understanding and practices for co-created research. We will share our findings with you in an upcoming blog post.

Thank you to everyone who’s been a part of this community, whether you joined recently or have been with us from the beginning. We are excited to have reached this milestone, but will miss co-creating investigations with you. It’s been an exciting journey, and we are thrilled that you were able to join us along the way. 

We hope you will continue to enjoy the cams, stay in touch with the Bird Cams community, and explore one or more of the many citizen-science opportunities that need your help. We’ve put together a list of ways you can stay connected with Bird Cams, learn more about birds, and contribute to science. If you have any questions as we wrap up the project, please see our Frequently Asked Questions, and feel free to share feedback using this form.