Register For Live Webinar About The Cornell Feeders

Two red-winged blackbirds feeding on a feeding table filled with bird seed. They are surrounded by hanging feeders against a leafy green background. Over the image is text on a white semi-transparent background that reads, "What goes on at the Cornell feeders? A Live conversation with the Bird Cams Lab community. June 16 Wednesday 4:00-5:00 P.M. ET."

Since we started the data exploration phase, more than 240 people have taken a look at the data collected in real time on the Cornell FeederWatch cam. We invite you to continue those conversations with us online, and then join us LIVE for a free webinar this Wednesday, June 16 from 4:00–5:00 P.M. ET. We’ll give an overview of the investigation to date, highlight the visualizations you are most interested in, and give a behind-the-scenes look at the Cornell FeederWatch cam.

Register for the webinar

Even if you can’t tune in live, we invite you to register so that you can receive a link to the recording afterwards. Plus, we invite you to submit your questions and thoughts about the data or the Cornell Feeders ahead of time.