Live From Bird Cams Lab: Webinar Discussion With Dr. Eliot Miller

Watch the recorded session in a new tab .

Watch Cornell Lab researcher Dr. Eliot Miller talk about the Battling Birds: Panama Edition investigation with Bird Cams staff and the Bird Cams Lab community.

On December 14, 126 people tuned in for a fun and interesting discussion with Cornell Lab researcher Dr. Eliot Miller and the Bird Cams staff about the newest Bird Cams Lab investigation, Battling Birds: Panama Edition. They highlighted what the community has been talking about on the Wonder Board and answered questions submitted ahead of time and during the live webinar.

If you haven’t already, make sure to sign-up to receive Bird Cams Lab communications so you don’t miss out! We’ll be taking a vote soon to solidify what data we will collect for the Battling Birds: Panama Edition investigation.

Thank you to everyone who either attended the live event or watched the archived recording. Please share any remaining questions or ideas you have in the forum below. Especially if you weren’t able to attend live, we encourage you to share.