- February 9, 2021A New Investigation!
Join us to watch the Cornell FeederWatch cam, located just outside the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and learn more about the birds that visit the feeders.
For this investigation, we’ll work together to identify what question we want to answer and…
- June 22, 2021Birds Don’t Check The Temperature Before Visiting The Feeder
For the Cornell Feeders Live investigation, we have shared visualizations that highlight (1) the sampling effort (i.e., amount of time watched) and (2) when the study species visited the feeding station. This second set of visualizations helped us start to…
- February 22, 2021Birds, Feeders, and Science Oh My! What Can We Discover Together?
Tune in to learn more about the birds on the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s FeederWatch cam and Cornell Feeders Live, Bird Cams Lab’s newest scientific investigation that is already underway! Right now, the Bird Cams Lab community is in the…
- July 30, 2021Cornell Feeders Live Final Report
Hundreds of people came together to work with researchers to design an investigation that looked at the birds visiting the Cornell FeederWatch cam.
After weeks of sharing observations, discussing, and taking a vote, the community decided to investigate visitation… - March 1, 2021Cornell Feeders Live Question Design
See the most recent project updates.
The observations and the discussion on the Wonder Board generated a variety of questions, and we’ve summarized the questions with the most upvotes into five groups to focus the conversation on honing the most interesting…
- July 30, 2021Cornell Feeders Live Report Wraps Up Bird Cams Lab
Thanks to the thoughtful feedback of 15 reviewers, we are now in the last phase of the Cornell Feeders Live investigation: sharing findings. We invite you to read the report and share it with your family and friends. In the…
- April 21, 2021Cornell Feeders Live: Data Exploration Is Around The Corner
Thank you to the 495 people who participated in the data collection phase, from tagging data to sharing your thoughts and questions on the Discussion Board. We’re excited to start digging into the incredible amount of data you collected: more…
- May 26, 2021Cornell Feeders Live: From Observations to Visualizations
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s FeederWatch cam gives us a window into the lives of birds seen at backyard feeders in the Northeast United States. While many of the species are considered common and well-researched, we can still make discoveries…
- May 13, 2021Help Our Video Win The Public’s Choice Award
First, a huge thank you to everyone who has reviewed the draft of the report for the Battling Birds: Panama Edition investigation. We’ve just started to look at your feedback and already see that the report will be improved thanks…
- May 18, 2018How to Choose or Refine a Good Cam-Testable Question
So you’ve identified some questions that you think could be answered with cam footage. How do you decide which ones make the best questions for an investigation?
Would investigating the question yield new insights about birds? How excited are you…
- May 9, 2018How To Use Disqus
Disqus is an easy-to-use discussion tool that you’ll use to comment or upvote other comments in any Bird Cams Lab forum. On the forums, you’ll be able to post questions, share your thoughts, and provide links to helpful information. In…
- March 11, 2021It’s Time To Vote!
Over the past two weeks, the Bird Cams Lab community has worked together to share and discuss ideas on the Wonder Board and Question Design Board. The community is full of curiosity and has proposed many interesting questions. Given that…