Bird Cams Lab - Cornell Feeders Live
Wrapping Up the Final Investigation!
Thanks to all participants who contributed to the Cornell Feeders Live investigation for Bird Cams Lab, we are on track to release a final report showcasing the community’s findings soon. If you would like to help review a draft of the report, please reply to this email or contact by Monday, July 13. We...
July 8, 2021What was the weather like during data collection for Cornell Feeders Live?
When we came together to figure out what to study with the Cornell FeederWatch cam, many people in the community were interested in the effects of weather. Several people shared their observations at their own bird feeders and their predictions for how weather would affect birds’ behavior at the feeder. “I would really like to see...
May 27, 2021What Kinds of Questions Can We Investigate?
Watching the Bird Cams can generate all kinds of questions. Some questions may have answers already based on past research. Other questions may not have answers yet—but could be answered by collecting and analyzing data from the cams. It’s those questions we hope to identify for potential investigations. As you encounter questions, try categorizing each one: ...
May 18, 2018What Can We Investigate With the Live Data Tagging Tool?
We’re excited to introduce a new Live Data Tagging tool that we’ll use to collect data for a new Bird Cams Lab investigation on the Panama Fruit Feeder cam. Never before have we been able to tag data right as the action is happening! When brainstorming questions in the “Wonder” Board, let your curiosity run...
November 6, 2019Welcome to Data Collection for Cornell Feeders Live!
March 23, 2021We were almost always watching!
For two weeks, the Bird Cams Lab and Bird Cams community came together to tag data in real time from the Cornell FeederWatch cam. At the end of data collection, the community amassed over 120,000 observations of the eight study species visiting the feeding station: American Goldfinch, Black-capped Chickadee, Blue Jay, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Red-winged Blackbird,...
June 1, 2021Watch and Wonder On the Cornell Feeders Live Wonder Board
Watch the Cornell FeederWatch cam and ask questions with the rest of the Bird Cams Lab community in the first phase of the Cornell Feeders Live investigation. Whether you are a long-time viewer or have never watched the cam, we invite you to be a part of the discussion. As you watch birds fly in and...
February 15, 2021Votes Are In and Data Collection Starts Soon
749 people weighed in on what we should collect for the Cornell Feeders Live investigation The Results In the past month, Bird Cams Lab participants shared what they want to learn more about and discussed questions we could potentially investigate with the Cornell FeederWatch cam. In the most recent set of discussions on the Question Design Board,...
March 19, 2021- Video
Video: A 3-minute Introduction to the Bird Cams Lab
May 8, 2018 The Data Tool: Live Tagging
For the Cornell Feeders Live investigation, we'll be using a recently developed live data tagging tool. We first used this tool for Panama Live. In that investigation we documented the arrival patterns of six species on the Panama Fruit Feeder cam. When brainstorming questions in the “Wonder” Board, let your curiosity run wild and post whatever...
February 12, 2021